Sunday, April 11, 2010


Now that you know what to wear, perhaps you're thinking, "Should I bring my kids to Jared and Gwen's wedding? Or will that man with no eyeballs scare them?"

Answer: Probably, but it's OK, because we wouldn't seat them at the same table.

Real answer to the real question: Yes, your children are welcome at our wedding! All the events of the weekend are child-friendly, but there are a few things to note about the wedding itself on Sunday night:
  • The synagogue has a small "family room" adjacent to the sanctuary that will be available during the ceremony. You can take fussy or crying children into the room, where you can see and hear everything going on in the sanctuary but no one else can hear you.
  • The evening will run quite late. There will be hors d’oeuvres, but dinner will not be served until about 9 p.m. If your child has any special food needs that we could help with, please let us know so we can speak to the caterer.
  • Because the synagogue is kosher, we're asking that no food at all be brought into the building. Some Cheerios will be provided at the babysitters, and there will be tons of kid-friendly food (crackers, cheese, fruit and veggies, plain pasta) as part of the hors d'oeuvres immediately after the ceremony.
  • The synagogue does not have any cribs or highchairs. If there's a way for you to bring your own booster seat, that would probably be the easiest thing; if not, let us know and we'll help you find one.
  • We will be able to provide babysitting at the synagogue (depending on how many people would like it). Please let us know if you think you'd like to use an on-site babysitter so we can figure out how many we might need.
  • If you choose not to bring your children to the ceremony, we can help you find a babysitter who can stay at the hotel with your kids, and other childcare arrangements with family friends might be possible too. We can try to connect you to other parents who are interested in similar options.
Most importantly (and with apologies for sounding like a broken record), would you email or call us when you start to make plans? We would be happy to talk things over with you and figure everything out together. Hooray, thank you!

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